The Secret To Getting An Amazing Deal On Your Home.

PRICES: Here at Wayne Frier Home Center of Byron, I run this business like a tight ship. We have low overhead and get our homes direct from the factory. I have personally kicked all the middle men to the curb. That means when you see the prices on our homes you’ll say, “WOW!”

CONSTRUCTION: We sell Live Oak Homes. The factory is right here in Georgia, and I can tell you when I was shopping around, deciding what homes I was going to sell, I was amazed by the quality and attention to detail that Live Oak Homes have.

After you move in, a few years down the road, the bank stuff is a distant memory, but the construction of your home will be front and center every day. The look of the seamless counter tops in your kitchen. The custom wall colors. The solid feeling of the floor beneath your feet. The energy saving windows, and more. These details that only Live Oak Homes does best are going to be what reminds you every day that you got the most amazing deal possible.

Come visit us today, you’ll have fun walking around our big yard looking at our homes.

They’re all open so you can walk through every room, and some are even furnished so you can sit on the sofa and imagine what it’ll be like after you move in.




General Manager

Mike Pate

Internet Sales/Sales

Brande Wealot

Sales Associate

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